Privacy Policy

Home Privacy Policy

Information Collection and Usage

We collect personal information from users who voluntarily provide it through our appointment booking and training registration processes. This information includes, but is not limited to, name, contact details, and appointment preferences. We use this information solely for the purpose of providing psychological services, managing appointments, and improving our services.

Confidentiality and Security

Patient confidentiality is of utmost importance. All personal and health-related information shared during consultations, whether offline or online, is treated with the strictest confidence. We implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of the data collected.

Third-Party Services

We may use third-party services, such as online appointment scheduling and payment processing platforms. While we strive to partner with reputable providers, we encourage users to review the privacy policies of these third parties as we cannot guarantee the practices employed by them.

Communication Preferences

Users may receive communications from us related to appointment confirmations, reminders, and other essential information. Users can opt-out of non-essential communications by contacting us or using the provided preferences settings.

Cookies and Analytics

Our website may use cookies to enhance user experience. We also utilize analytics tools to gather data on website usage. This information is used to improve our website's functionality and content.

Last Updated: 30-01-2024